Date Archives March 2016

On the role-mentoring statement 'you'll be fine sha'

Or they say it’ll be well o. Personally I’m wary of overly eager and ready-to-warn people. Let me present it better, those People who have stepped in your shoes before.
Case senario: student A. B is now in 200l.student A. B is fully beginning in the faculty.  Student A. B goes to study gently.  Student C. D goes through a general exchange of can you lend me? …can I put on d fan?… Do you have a spare pen?… (choose a small talk) . Student C. D then feels familiar enough with and obliged to student A. B and goes ahead to prepare student A. B for the days ahead. In this scenario, Student C. D being a 300L student. You get the point. Now I get caring student C. D has good intentions. Student A. B, you should however note, is not the all in one example of the timid, anxious, fearful, overly excited student. Student A. B could be the give me this mountain and it will be leveled, I’ve  got faith person. Student A. B might not even be considering the academic year. When student C. D comes eagerly to help, student A. B gets exhausted.
Just now a not so typical student A. B IN 200L  made a statement in the reading room. She is not so typical because it turns out she is close friends with student C. D who in this case is in 500level. A. B said oh this course is not that boring  and C. D re-emphasizes why the Course is boring. SHE JUST SAID IT’S NOT SO BORING. I think a student viewing a course as not so boring is a good thing. Yes? And truth  be told contrary to popular belief, I don’t think the course is boring either, having taken the course myself. So see my student C. D, don’t be so awash in the excitement of the previous year that you stand in A. B’S way. This goes for my case scenario. However dear friends in the reading room, go on ahead with your friendship and course tales. I think it’s pretty cool the kind of relationship that exists between you two 😙
This is me feeling neutral about the matter tbh😁😁
And in need of a break from studying.
Love from DEBBY, Happy Easter
Debby Adebayo

Trigger Words

My friend,Tomiwa, asked me about my blog yesterday. At that moment, I was answering questions and feeling slightly relieved. relieved he cared. Right now, I’m feeling a mix of grateful and ready. ‘sometimes I just need someone to remember me when I’ve forgotten me.’
I’m really hoping I’d learn to share more because to love is to share. I’ve not been sharing this blog space with people I’m close to because I’m afraid I’ll feel vulnerable. Does it exactly work that way? I don’t have an answer yet. I however want to blog to the extent that if and
when I do feel vulnerable, just as I feel other things, the same blog space will be one of my joys, my push to write, my comfort.
ask now
I was reading this post focus on I found something interesting

“People have so many things to say. Some, you have to coax out of them, some they do not even know what they want to say until they hear the trigger words…”

So here i am, knowing certainly that the story has not been dried up on the inside of me. Here I am, knowing I need the ‘trigger words’ I am yet to recognize. So many aspects of life I’m ready to share about, so much perspective, I just need the trigger words.
ask me
So you reading this, do I know you? Next time you see me, ask me questions, my principle on certain things(disclaimer: I may be speechless). Ask about my blog. See how my friend Tomiwa triggered this post I would never have written.
You reading, maybe I do not know you, kindly tag me in a challenge, kindly interview me. Say something. Ask something. Comment. e-mail me. Give me my trigger words, I’m ready to blog.

“ so many things are left unsaid because we do not ask. so I will ask, I will seek and I will knock. This way I know I will receive, I will find and more doors will be open unto me”(culled from focus on

gleanings from the internet–TO SHARE IS TO CARE

Happy new month guys. Good to be back here. School has been progressing. Sometimes I’m a little depressed about the silly things, most times I am so grateful to God for his ever abiding presence, for my friends, for my family, for happiness. God is my hope for tomorrow.
Currently I’m having this internal battle about when exactly I would loose the hair on my head.
About my photography project, I was always subtly aware it couldn’t be posted weekly. I’d try to make it as often as possible but definitely not weekly. Making it weekly will put on an extra anxiety for me, a schedule I will chasing smoke to catch up with. I’ll still term them as weekly posts. I also absolutely promise to feed you with good pictures, trying to avoid pictures of showers(if you missed my last photography project post, please click here)
I have a number of books in my head that I should’ve done reviews of. I have discovered that for me, the time lag between when I read a book and when I choose to start penning it down goes a long way to determine if I will ever review the book. Hence the reason many books have slipped under the door without a review.
I’ve been on Arundathi Roy’s ‘THE GOD OF SMALL THINGS’ for up to a month now. You must understand that life happens. Furthermore I’m reading the soft copy. Yes, you get, it’s never the same as the printed back.
Today I have chosen to give you a list of my ‘currently loving’. A few things I enjoyed checking out in the month of February.
First and foremost the month of February marked two important things for me. On the 11th it was my parents wedding anniversary. On the 23rd it was my mother’s birthday. That’s enough currently loving for me. However here goes my list:
This paris review-the art of fiction. I had many quotes to jot down from it. I even more love the interviewer’s disposition. I long for the time I too like Toni Morrison can afford the luxury of choosing what praise to accept. Lol. It’s a good read for writers, aspiring writers and curious readers, it’s however somewhat long.
I found poetolu on instagramtime to share, I loved his poems. I checked out his website and voila I bookmarked this post. It just rubs of on me in the best of manners. I read it and went over it again. You should most absolutely check it out.
You should constantly check out Afoma’s blog. I follow and visit lots of blogs frequently however certain blogs remain home to me. is definitely one of them.
Timi Yeseibo has her way of bringing a lively twist to whatever she writes. Read flight to lagos here and just tell me if you don’t love the ending.
This post seemed like a really long tale of her day but I got so many good lessons along the way. Somehow I just couldn’t but quote out somewhere along the end
”I watched some jellyfish dance ,not really going anywhere, just exploring the same territory in slightly new ways over and over” sometimes we’re really not going anywhere new, doesn’t mean we should let the water be stale. Explore the same place in slightly new ways over and over again.
I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this but it’ really good. It’s also about writing. On coping with writers block or the lies we often tell ourselves along the way.
truly, in various wise, a lot of people return home different and have to cope with being different at home. good post this is.
I follow Ore Fakorede on twitter and this led me to an article he tweeted from medium
I hope you gleaned a lot from the people of the internet. I hope you grow in that wise. It was great sharing with you again.
I’d put up my photography project post soon. Do have lovely weekend and keep in touch.
Instagram: @mz_hybeekay
Twitter: @mz_hybeekay