My friend,Tomiwa, asked me about my blog yesterday. At that moment, I was answering questions and feeling slightly relieved. relieved he cared. Right now, I’m feeling a mix of grateful and ready. ‘sometimes I just need someone to remember me when I’ve forgotten me.’
I’m really hoping I’d learn to share more because to love is to share. I’ve not been sharing this blog space with people I’m close to because I’m afraid I’ll feel vulnerable. Does it exactly work that way? I don’t have an answer yet. I however want to blog to the extent that if and
when I do feel vulnerable, just as I feel other things, the same blog space will be one of my joys, my push to write, my comfort.
ask now
I was reading this post focus on I found something interesting

“People have so many things to say. Some, you have to coax out of them, some they do not even know what they want to say until they hear the trigger words…”

So here i am, knowing certainly that the story has not been dried up on the inside of me. Here I am, knowing I need the ‘trigger words’ I am yet to recognize. So many aspects of life I’m ready to share about, so much perspective, I just need the trigger words.
ask me
So you reading this, do I know you? Next time you see me, ask me questions, my principle on certain things(disclaimer: I may be speechless). Ask about my blog. See how my friend Tomiwa triggered this post I would never have written.
You reading, maybe I do not know you, kindly tag me in a challenge, kindly interview me. Say something. Ask something. Comment. e-mail me. Give me my trigger words, I’m ready to blog.

“ so many things are left unsaid because we do not ask. so I will ask, I will seek and I will knock. This way I know I will receive, I will find and more doors will be open unto me”(culled from focus on


  1. oluchee March 24, 2016 at 6:39 PM

    I’ve had my blog for over 3years and I barely get those trigger words to make me open myself on here. During the first months of the blog, I thought I would and I tried to make people “watch out”, but later on, it seemed like they were taking up my space and I felt there were some things I couldn’t share yet.
    Even now.
    Or maybe those “eureka” words haven’t come or people aren’t asking the right questions or pushing me the right way.

  2. debby000 - Site Author March 27, 2016 at 11:04 AM

    There is mostly always the feeling that there are somethings you can’t share yet on the blog. However when you do share, people love those posts the most. I know I do. ?

  3. Dorcas March 30, 2016 at 3:20 PM

    Ah really dunno au to challenge yhu ladies right nau…bhet whenever u feel u cant share a particular post just yet- share it! When confronted (with words or thoughts)…shrug…smile…say “now u know!”

    1. debby000 - Site Author March 30, 2016 at 3:56 PM

      Thanks. It bores down to the mindset, yes. I can?

  4. ʐaʀaʍ April 3, 2016 at 5:21 PM

    I really do like this post a lot- “Trigger words”.
    It just shows the vulnerability every writer at the beginner’s level feels.
    I hope that one day we wouldn’t feel so vulnerable, to criticism, to opinions….perhaps we need trigger spirits more than the words.

    1. debby000 - Site Author April 4, 2016 at 7:05 AM

      Wow. I like the sound of that. Trigger spirits? truly we are our best motivation. Amen to that time

  5. Dorcas April 4, 2016 at 11:00 PM

    Trigger spirits! Thumbs up zaram

  6. Tm Black May 2, 2016 at 6:28 PM

    PEAK……It’s in you.

    1. debby000 - Site Author May 2, 2016 at 7:10 PM

      Thank you, the very same Tomiwa??

  7. Pingback: life lately – Debby's expression

  8. Pingback: Debby's expression

  9. Pingback: A journey down memory lane – Debby Hub

  10. Pingback: A journey down memory lane - Debby Hub

  11. Код binance July 13, 2024 at 5:32 AM

    Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?


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