Hiiii everyone.
I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. My week seemed really long but great all the same.
Did you read Bukunwa’s guest post last week? Here’s another interesting piece.
Settle in for a treat. ?

Name’s Bukunwa.
I’m a student. An engineering student ? although I’m not too techyy like that but I like solving problems.
I love nature. I enjoy walking in beautiful gardens or by the river line.. all these serene places. I look forward to having more of those experiences. Not alone only… but with someone special hopefully.
I love theology and history and biographies that are somehow connected with Israel and the church. I actually enjoy reading stuff like that.
I also like having deep discussions with people and I like games kinda… though people say I’m serious too…

The Word of God

Some people say music is food for the soul. For others, it’s the breath-taking view of nature landscapes and scenery that gives them goose bumps. For others still, it’s beautiful artwork. Those paintings and frescoes and classical, majestic works of art that instantly transport you into another world. The idea is that these things sort of refresh and awaken the soul. They provide a unique sweetness, satisfaction, pleasure and comfort to the person enjoying them.
However, for those of us in Christ, our food is God’s Word. God’s beautiful voice that takes us away just as the voice of a lover does to his beloved. His comforting, fatherly, loving, spiritually nutritional and eternal Word is what the soul of the believer needs and naturally yearns for. We live by the Word of God. It is our everyday food.
See how King David the Psalmist and a lover of God puts it:

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;
The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

The Word of God is true and sure and sweeter than honey and enduring. It converts the soul. It reaches down deep within, and causes volumes of joy to gush out.
It rejoices the heart. It enlightens the eyes. We are to desire it more than we desire gold or ‘big money’. Take the money, give me the sweet Word of God!
We are to desire His Word: If you love God, you will love the sweet sound of His voice and the words contained therein. You will desire His Word because it pierces your heart with His beautiful fragrance and also because it is the window that grants us to a clear view of His majesty.
The Word is filled with His knowledge, nature and attributes. There’s nothing more rapturous for the believer than to continuously ascend the mountain of God’s revelation. This is what the Word of God offers us richly. 1 Peter 2.2 says that as new-born babes, we ought to desire the pure milk of the Word, so that we may grow thereby. It is very normal and healthy for a believer to long for and regularly feast on God’s Word. God’s Word is sweeter than honey and more precious than gold.
The thing about the desire we ought to have is its burning, zealous, flaming and impassioned nature. We ought to terribly yearn deeply for God’s Word. It’s a Spirit-provoked hunger. It’s the same way the babies (who have weak bones, muscles and cannot walk, talk etc.) cry so loudly when they’re hungry. You dare not sleep around them. You cannot. They’re weak everywhere else but not those vocal cords. Not at all. The loudness of their wailings is just out of proportion. How intense is your love for God’s Word? How long have you been living life without being nourished by God’s Word?
Kindly consider how much you need the nourishment and life from God’s Word. Pray for a revival of the love for His Word in your heart.
A very important key to studying the Word
Understanding the meaning:
Suppose I say,

“Debby, kindly put just three cubes in the cup of tea on the dining table”.

Simple right? So Debby puts three cubes of St. Louis sugar in the hot cup of tea on the table. I arrive few minutes after and I’m speechless. I actually needed that tea very urgently and I dare not take anything hot or my stomach would suffer for it badly. I actually meant ice cubes! Oops!
Did Debby fully understand me? Of course not! She did not get the actual meaning of what I said. She didn’t get what I meant. To her, it meant sugar cubes. To me, it meant ice cubes. So where does the true meaning of my statement lie? With her or with me? Obviously, it’s with me. The meaning of a statement always lies with the author of that statement. It is the author who actually knows most fully what exactly he or she intends to communicate.
Therefore, when we study scriptures, let us quit asking

what does this mean to me”?

Let us start asking what it actually means. What it actually meant to the bible writers (and most surely, the Holy Spirit who inspired them). We would be greatly mistaken (many of us already are) if we just spin off scripture and interpret it as we perceived it. That’s error! We must seriously strive to find out,

“what did this mean to the apostle as he wrote this down”?

What exactly was the issue in his heart that he was trying to communicate?
We will all be amazed by how much this mind-set will drive us to such accuracy and diligence in studying what scripture actually says. We would tend to read through the train of thought and not just pick one verse out of context. We would have a richer and deeper meaning of God’s message in His Word.
Most people see the scriptures through their subjective, twenty-first century, skewed lenses. The mind-set targeting the author’s intention would remove those misleading (subjective, twenty-first century) lenses and lead to a clearer gaze at the beautiful and very pure truth that ran through the mind of the authors of the scripture. This would most surely lead to a more accurate understanding of what the Grand Author meant to communicate to us.
There’s so much more to say. However, I believe by God’s grace, these few words would serve to stir you in the deepening of you love for God’s Word.


  1. Ogunyomi Omotayo Emmanuel November 24, 2018 at 8:39 AM

    Typical of Uncle Bukunwa. God’s grace to you.

    1. Deborah Adebayo - Site Author June 28, 2020 at 7:03 PM

      That’s right ?. Thank you for reading.

  2. Dor? November 24, 2018 at 12:31 PM

    Thanks Debby and Bukunwa. Well done ?

    1. Deborah Adebayo - Site Author June 28, 2020 at 7:04 PM

      I’m glad you found the post relevant. ?

    1. Deborah Adebayo - Site Author June 28, 2020 at 7:04 PM

      Thank you for reading.

  3. Daodu Betty November 25, 2018 at 11:38 AM

    Very eye-opening. Wonderful post.

    1. Deborah Adebayo - Site Author June 28, 2020 at 7:04 PM

      Glory to God. Thanks for reading.

  4. Elimtoms November 30, 2018 at 9:00 AM

    1peter 2:2 and the name Bukunwa seems to go together in my memory, and I take the challenge of the scripture ever

    1. Grace November 30, 2018 at 12:26 PM

      Beautifully writtenwritten!
      this is just the basic simple truth.

      1. Deborah Adebayo - Site Author June 28, 2020 at 7:07 PM

        I completely agree. Thanks for reading.

  5. Pingback: ‘Ambitious Millennial Christian’ Kara – Debby Hub

  6. Pingback: Dear Mentee || The failproof principle - Debby Hub

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