Date Archives February 14, 2016


Happy valentines day. Personally I feel if I go down the valentine line, I’ll be unoriginal to myself. I guess when it comes to tips, meaning, style and even how to spell valentine, you’re already swarmed from the left and right. However I can generously help with the spelling. V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E.
so moving on to the photographs of this past week.
On Sunday I went to my alma matter.  My younger sister resides in the boarding house.  My family went to greet her. I took this photo of one of the classrooms.
On Monday I went to my place of work for the last time.  This holiday I was attached to a law chamber for a month.  It was a rewarding period.  I learnt.  I learnt beyond law, I learnt a little of just what it might take to work in the corporate world. I learnt to assess people’s disposition to work and to justice.

The curtain in office. I love the turn-out

On Tuesday I took normal pictures at home.  I decided to play with one of them and turn it to something nice.  I love the cool aura the picture gives off
Beyond a watermelon

On Wednesday I was stepping out the front door at home and I thought to capture some of the flowerpot on the verandah. Hopefully when I’m at school I will be more outdoorsy.
Thursday was my parent’ wedding anniversary. We had dinner and I ordered poundo yam with Egusi and fish.  It’s my elder sister’s Chinese rice that’s caught at the edge of the picture.
Qon Friday I took a picture of one wall frame in my house. For the love of art.
Friday came and I was stranded so I did the lazy thing. I won’t feed you with  pictures of shower later on. 🙈. I pinky promise.
It won't happen again

I think it’s been a journey. I hope you enjoyed sharing some of what I fed my eyes on during the week.
Whatever suggestions and comments you might have kindly type it below. I will get better at this. Do you find yourself sweeping through each day of your life without saving memories? They don’t have to be flawless because even our memory isn’t flawless. I’d love to hear from you.  Do Comment.
                           Pictures and love,
Debby Adebayo