Posts tagged Jesus

Tunes of Mercy

Throat parched. Lips dry, having the feel of plain paper.
She stood before the council and all she could rationally reason out was the fact that a quorum of six people(1*) was all it would take for her to loose everything she had worked for, and built her hopes on to give her a good life.
It’s true she hadn’t built on a reliable foundation. Her empire had been built on falsehood. The niche she had carved out for herself, widely acclaimed and praised as being a benefitial one, had in fact been sucking more from the community, than it had been giving.
Her face, neatly made-up every day, gave no clue(2*) of the scheming she did behind the scenes or the dirty plots she was capable of coming up with.
She looked up and cried in her heart.
This sin lord, has been first against you before any man“(3*) she swallowed hard. “have mercy on me one more time. One more time“(4*). A tear slipped down her face, and fell on the floor before her pedicured feet in blue wedge shoes.
Jesus looked down at her and needed no one to remind him of:
1* the woman caught in adultery. Her face was blotched from crying. She knew a few men were about to decide her fate and sentence her to death. John8:1-11
2* the woman at the well. She sure was beautiful. Five husbands is no easy feat. “And the one you’re with is not your husband“. Her pretty face showed nothing of her reality. Her industrious hands fetching water at the well, revealed no truth either. John4:1-26
3* the owner of the colourful coat. His mind ran wild in two seconds. He tamed it in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He would not. This was a sin against the living God. He fled, leaving his coat. Genesis 39:1-23
4* the strong Nazarite chosen by the lord. Sweat ran down his upper body like a fountain had released them. He pressed both hands hard against the pillars. “One more time, Lord. Avenge yourself over your enemies. Use me, this last time.“. He heard the first crack as the walls gave no adequate warning, tumbling on those who cared for entertainment. Judges16: 23-31

There was a garden in that place

“Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth,… sits on a hillside 1,300 feet above sea level.
The view from a Ridge allows a sweeping panorama all the way from Mt. Carmel by the ocean to the snow peak of Mt. Hermon to the north
With fertile lands, beautiful Vistas, and moderate climate, Galilee has its attractions, and clearly Jesus enjoyed growing there. The wildflowers and weeds growing among the crops, the laborious method of separating wheat and chaff, the fig trees and grape vines dotted the hillsides… ”

Culled from ” The Jesus I never knew” by Yancey Phillip

“my friend enjoys painting, but this sensitive soul often feels guilty when she is working in her studio. She wonders whether she should be doing something more “christ-like” with her time. How can I be taking up my cross if I’m doing something I enjoy? Have I become too focused on the stuff of this world?
She shouldn’t feel guilty for doing something she enjoys, for that wholesome pleasure was God’s idea first (Genesis 1:27-31). He came up with beauty, laughter, strawberries and sunny days. And while God warns us against idolatry – the sin of putting our hopes and trust in any earthly pleasure itself. Even Jesus went out of his way to recharge his batteries with worldly beauty.
The week that Jesus died, he escaped the urban chaos of Jerusalem by crossing the kidron Valley and retreating in a quiet stand of olive trees. He had made this journey so often that Judas knew right where to find him.
Judas “knew this place, because Jesus had often gone there with his disciples” John 18:2.
…Jesus defeated evil by his death and resurrection. Then he ascended to heaven and sent his holy spirit to continue his campaign through us. It can be exhausting to stand for love and righteousness in this evil age so let’s follow Jesus’ lead and make time for refreshment in the pleasures of earth.
What beautiful spots inspire you? What activity energizes you? Where is your garden?”

Culled from our daily journey Annual edition, volume 7

My Comments
Is Guilt evil? I often repeated to some people I had the opportunity to teach a while back that the devil is out to get you away from God. He employs any means at his disposal. If envy won’t work this time, he goes for guilt. Guilt that you were envious yesterday or whatnot.
That’s where he traps many. We don’t often list that guilt is a strategy of the devil but it is.
It disconnects us from the father. It makes it tougher to pick up and reconcile with God after we sin.
How much more when we don’t know what we feel guilty about isn’t even a sin.
The devil traps with guilt. He makes it impossible (for the Christian who let’s him) to do anything worthwhile. It’s best to know the Devil’s devices and keep ahead.
A short while ago I listened to Joyce Meyer ministering and I quote her:
” The Israelites had a million and one feasts set by God. He loves celebration, the devil wants to steal it. Be happy. Wherever you are, whatever is happening, God wants you to be happy and enjoy everyday life. “

The balance
There is a need to know what wholesome pleasures God wants you to enjoy and what idols he wants you to destroy.
In as much as Jesus grew up by the Sea side, he understood when it was time to go about his father’s business and he did just that.
Rest, it is said, is sweeter after labour.
I attest to that. You get that feeling after completing a million and one house chores, when you shower, eat something delightful and plop down on a good sofa in the living room with good lightening and TV.
I strongly advocate that we should learn to appreciate the pleasure God intends for us. All the while, knowing when it is the proper time to go to work and when it is time to retreat to the olive groove again as Jesus did.

I’m somewhat still stuck on how Nazareth is 1,300 feet above sea level. The view of that! Jesus often went there. The smell of the sea too. Imagine the wind.

John 18:2[ GNT]
After he said this prayer, he left with his disciples and went across Kidron brook. There was a garden in that place and Jesus and his disciples went in.

More of Nazareth, work, and rest

Hey Beggar.

“Kneeling there in deep contrition”,
That’s what a line from an hymn we sing in church says
Today, I see you folded by the streets
It’s a Sunday morning
I’m not feeling up for church
You’re kneeling by the road too
Regardless of whether you’re up for it or not
We’re both ready to get what we need
Poor as we are
You, poor materially,
I,  poor in spirit
In desperate need of what only Jesus can give
Whether I feel up to it that day or not