Posts tagged art gallery

A visit to Nike Art Gallery

Hey guys. How are you doing? While I was ready with a non-fiction story to tell you, I was also hugely interested in documenting my recent visit to Nike Art Gallery over here. So today, it’s a picture-story about my visit. I hope you enjoy it.

I had always wanted to take a picture like this. Guess who succeeded? ?
By the way, you won’t appreciate this art I’m standing infront of, unless you see it in person. What is captured by the camera is waaay different from what is initially captured by the naked eye. It makes everyone go “wow”!
Absolutely one of my favourites.
Sisi D and sisi G

We should all regularly ask ourselves: “Does what
I am feeling or doing have its roots in the contentment of
faith or in the anxious insecurity of unbelief?” That will give
you help in hundreds of little and big ethical decisions.

Here’s the one that bugged us. Please what in this picture explains the writing on it? A bountiful gift awaits whoever can unlock the mystery
Another favourite
If you don’t understand art, it’s okay, provided you don’t criticize it. In other words, if you laugh at my jump in this picture, you’re just hating. I jumped this way on purpose because I was trying to fly like a bird.
There I am on the first floor. Jumping regularly. You see?
Our national cake

Here starts a story:

Sisi and I walking to the pose with the art in front
First picture
Who are you? Mr random stranger taking our pictures without permission?
Trying without success to ignore the photographer
I can’t bear this. Something must be done about this blatant infringement.
Excuse me Uncle, explain your mission!
All settled. I can relax

There are two ways to live your life. One is as nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

My reaction when it’s time to leave.

I hope you’re good guys. I’ll see you next week with some non-fiction stories.

As always,
