Date Archives December 2021


What does 24 look like? Who is a 24 year old? Should they love flowers? Should they be confused about their lives? Should they feel old? Should they feel un-centered? Should they be focused on feelings?

What should they be like in 2021? 2021 is the crazy year, isn’t it? The year COVID has the world in it lockgrip – still. The year it loosens up. The year it attempts to swallow it up back. You’re perplexed reading tweets tonight about New York. Is it truly happening again? The lockdowns? You wonder how much food you can stock up on? What will it be like in DC, pretty alone?

Does 24 come with feeling unready to give an answer to your future babies? After all, plenty (things) you do is for them. Oh, we’re going about the question wrongly again. It isn’t about feelings.

But tonight, IT IS the feelings. It is feelings that get you writing. It’s just knowing, realizing, before it is over that you are A PART of Georgetown Law community. You add to its spirit. You contribute to its knowledge, its breath. Wow. You are here meeting new people, showing them your incredible self. Completing exams, writing papers, scoring externships – wait for it – at the World Bank! You are here, girl.

I don’t know if I’ll cringe at this post tommorow or in a few days and think I should’ve waited for a bang re-opening on my my blog after 11 months. But it’s the feeling, yo!

It’s knowing I’m not too old for anything. I’m not too young for anything. I am just fine. I am just here at this point with my jutted afro, probably high from seeing La Casa de Papel rob the bank of Spain ‘successfully’, I’m here and saying hi.

I don’t know who will read this post because I’m not promoting it ?. I’m just here proud of the girl “Debby” and if she were my daughter, wow, I wouldn’t let her go for a second without squeezing life into her with a hug!