Date Archives May 16, 2020

Blogging ^^ Readership

I just concluded a one-man interview with myself with the beam light on my blogging journey. 2013 till date. Precisely, 2013 and not 2014 – despite what’s on my About Me page.
It was quite an interview. We patiently traced the process of my discovering the blogosphere, my reading of blogs, my connection with other humans who blogged, my blogging, and why I still blog.

In all barefaced honesty, blogging is one of what I enjoy best. I would take breaks away from the discomfort I get out of social media-infiltrated blogging experience, or that from the gist-only readers experience. But when I return from the breaks, I still blog. What I need is to blog.

What do you need?

I made reference to the gist-only loving people. But people love gists! Some of most viewed posts are gist related. Debby is in love made the waves. Oh well.
I don’t blog for the views. I don’t blog for the traffic. Some people ask me about it. Its out of their good intentions so I answer them well enough.

But that’s not why I blog. That is not my goal. I would love if my messages reach a wider audience but the word ‘audience’ will first have to be defined. I would love if my words reach people who care enough to do better, an audience of people who are patient enough to learn, and of people who savour words.

One of the things I’ve loved most in blogging is the reach of countries my blog posts get to. I also love genuine feedbacks in form of comments on the blog (valued for all ages) and personal messages from those who can get in touch with me.

Every venture has its low moments, it vulnerable moments, exasperating moments and I’ve mentioned two of those triggering factors for me.

Its therefore in those moments when I get reminders of how people are helped by certain posts and enjoy certain posts that I jump-start my blogging engine.

I want to know – which has been your favourite post (or type of post) on the blog since you started reading? Even if you’re a gist-only-lover. What do you come expecting, if anything? What posts do you personally intend to see more of? What recommendations do you have for me? You can send this by entering it here, or in the comments below.

I hope you’re coping well. I’m about to start a series on my NYSC experience (or non-experience). Stay upbeat, guys.

Finally, I have three postscripts.

P.S 1:

These days, it takes a thick skin to maintain Christian practices which have their core grounded biblically. Society has made a living out of badly criticizing strict Christian principles. I think we need these encouragements from each other so we do not faint in our resolve. “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of suffering” 1 Peter 5:9. Take a look at this passage to be sure Jesus promised we’ll go through this:

Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.

John 15:20

P.S 2:

I think a number of people are fretting less about Corona Virus. But some still are. There are genuine reasons for concern and they differ from person to person. One thing to note though, is that all scripture passages telling us to be an example to others, or to not fear are passages that contain no caveat. Corona Virus is not a caveat to the passages. The trials biblical heroes of faith faced were not a caveat. If therefore your food supplies are out, do not worry. If your sibling has contracted the virus, do not worry. Whatever causes your heart to worry, keep buried in the word and prayers. Be a billboard of encouragement and not worry. Corona virus is too small to make me fret. Glory to God!

P.S 3: On a lighter note, have you all seen the movie ‘Five Feet Apart’? I teared up a little. Bwahhhh.

Don’t forget to get back to me on the questions I asked above. Truly, its a pleasure to write to you.

As always,

Much love.